Kids Club for Grades K - 5

At Kids Club, we offer high-energy, age appropriated lessons with songs, games, and creative teaching for children in kindergarten through 5th grade Sunday evenings 5:00 - 6:30.  We start at the west end of the building in the Student Life Center (SLC) together for singing and lesson introduction or review.  Following large group, we rotate through stations throughout the building for games, snack, and small group time.  

As you arrive for pick up, please let the person at the SLC door know who you are picking up, they will be brought to you.   

Your kids will have a blast learning about the Word of God, growing their relationship with, Jesus, and building strong friendships.  Trinity Kids Ministry is committed to seeing your kids grow in a relationship with God from a young age.  We believe God has a purpose for your child and we want your children to love coming to church!

Join us Sunday Evenings

March 2 - 23

5:00 to 6:30 PM

We ask all families pre-register children attending by completing sign up or calling 419-294-1535 so we can set up accordingly and to have up to date contact information.

Sign Up Here

A Nation Divided

Kings and Chronicles

We will learn about 4 books of the Bible and 39 kings! Israel was a mess after King Solomon died, and the kingdom was split into 2 parts. Evil kings and queens threatened to wipe out God’s people forever, but God sent prophets like Elijah and Isaiah to remind the Israelites of God’s great promises to them.

                        Week 1: Review the stories of King Saul, King David, and King Solomon and learn about King Jeroboam.

                        Week 2: Learn the stories of Elijah and Elisha found in 1 and 2 Kings.

                        Week 3:  Learn the stories of the kings found in 2 Kings and discover that kings were both good and bad.

                        Week 4: Learn about the fall of Israel and the hope that Isaiah proclaimed.