K-5 May 2020: Torchlighters

Faith Heroes for Kids

This month we are going to highlight four faith heroes and see how God works through those who dedicate their lives to serving Him.  We will be using the Torchlighters video series.  The Torchlighters is a Christian animated video series for kids sharing true-life stories of heroes of the faith.  Torchlighter heroes are men, women and children who respond to God's call to live a life a whole-hearted commitment to Jesus. Each animated video is 30 minutes long and are geared for children ages 8-12

RightNow Media is an online library of Biblical resources you can access for free. This is an amazing resource for the whole family.  

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May 24: Jim Elliot

The missionary who risked it all for Ecuador

His ultimate sacrifice lit a torch of faith

The year was 1956: From the steamy jungles of Ecuador, new spread around the world that five young American men were mercilessly killed by members of the Auca tribe (now known as the Waodani) - a people those young men had gone to serve and befriend.  That seemingly senseless tragedy has become an inspirational marvel as that same tribe is now friends with the families of those they killed!  This is the story of one of those brave torchlighters-Jim Elliot.  Jim Elliot spend his youth preparing to share the Gospel with those who'd never heard it.  But nothing could have prepared him for the dangers and challenges he'd face in the jungles of Ecuador.  The remote Auca tribe was suspicious and antagonistic toward event he most friendly of gestures from outsiders.  Would Jim and his fellow missionaries ever be able to break down the hostile barriers and carry a torch of faith to this savage people determined to attack all outsiders?

After watching the video at RightNow Media, take the Jim Elliot quiz to test your knowledge of the episode CLICK HERE

Interested in more activities and to go further, check out these free resources CLICK HERE

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May 17: Eric Liddell

Eric Liddell: First a missionary then a champion

Even Olympic gold will not tempt him to compromise

All of Scotland is eager for their running celebrity Eric Liddell to sprint past the rest of the world and bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race.  But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor.  See how his famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.  

After watching the video at RightNow Media, take the Eric Liddell quiz to test your knowledge of this episode  CLICK HERE

Interested in more activities and to go further, check out these free resources CLICK HERE

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May 10: Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie Ten Boom: The Watchmaker who stood against unimaginable evil

Protecting the innocent during World War II

Corrie Ten Boom and her family are masters of their craft; they repair broken watches and return them safely to their owners  But as the evil of Word War II sweeps through their city, a new kind of "watch" comes to their care; an innocent Jewish baby, desperately needing protection for the cruelty of the new Nazi regime. How will the ten Booms keep this baby and many others out of harm's way, and will the cost of serving God be amidst unthinkable evils?  When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie's God prevail? 

After watching the video at RightNow Media, take the Corrie ten Boom quiz to test your knowledge of the episode CLICK HERE

Interested in more activities and to go further, check out these free resources CLICK HERE

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May 3: John Wesley

John Wesley: Founder of Methodist Movement

Plucked from the fire to preach God's grace

When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family's burning home, his mother is certain God has a great purpose for his life.  But years later John is still struggling to live out that purposed through good works.  Finally, after years of anguish, John embraces saving grace through faith!  But his new message is not welcome in the churches.  Will John break all the rules and risk his life to bring the message of grace to the needy and outcast?  

After watching the video on RightNow Media, take the John Wesley quiz to test your knowledge of the episode CLICK HERE

Interested in more activities and to go further, check out these free resources. CLICK HERE

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Pre-K May 2020: Lemonade Stand

We are using a lemonade stand theme this month to welcome in the warmer days and introduce preschoolers to the amazing truth that God loves me. We want preschoolers to know that God has put a lot of planning and creating and love into each of them. And, just like you can’t separate the water from the sugar from the lemon juice once you mix them, NOTHING can separate us from God’s love.

Throughout the month our preschoolers will hear how the Bible teaches us that God made us in His image, has a plan for us, and will never stop loving us. So, think a lot of love and a little lemon – mix it all together and we will get an entire month of God loves me! Our prayer is that every preschooler will walk away knowing that God made them and God loves them. And NOTHING will ever change that!

May 21, 2020


Bible Story Focus: God loves me, and I am special to Him.

The Lost Coin • Luke 15:8-10

Memory Verse: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” 

Romans 8:39, NIrV


Sunday May 24, 2020


Bible Story Focus: God loves me and sent Jesus to be my friend forever.

God Gave His Only Son • John 3:16

Memory Verse: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.”

Romans 8:39, NIrV