Service Guild

Help Prepare Meals for Church Events

The Service Guild prepares and serves meals for a variety of church events including funerals, Helping Hands, Beulah on the Road, the Women's Conference, the House Build, and the Ladies' Lenten Luncheon. We often serve meals to groups visiting our church and to various groups within the church as well.

Ways to Get Involved: There are a few different ways to serve with the guild!

  • Set Up - help set up of tables and chairs for meals
  • Serve - help set up buffet or serve food
  • Clean Up - help clean up after meals - from washing dishes to putting away chairs and tables
  • Food Prep, Cooking or Baking - help prep food or contribute a side dish or dessert - even if you can’t be there to help before/during the meal, you can still prepare a dish at home and bring it in at your convenience sometime before the meal

How to Get Involved: Contact Lori Fogle at 740-360-8766.